T H E / M O R O N / Q U I Z

Are u a moron? Well these are some hard questions to answer, despite their easiness... Ask your friends these if u want...

>>>[Moron Quiz Start]

1. Take thirty, divide it by half, and add ten. What do u get?
2. A butcher is 5'6'' (Five-foot-six-inches). What's he weigh?
3. There are three piles on the left. There are four piles on the right. Put them together and how many piles do you get?
4. Is there a Fourth of July in England?

>>>[Moron Quiz Answers]

1. Seventy (30/(1/2)+10 > (30)(2)+10 > 70)
2. Meat
3. One big pile
4. Yes, right after the third (of July)